Slimming against rent even if it follows the trend

Recently, "Xihong City's richest man" is in the heat, the audience has seen a deep impression on the "fat risk" inside - "as long as you lose a kilogram of fat, you can get a thousand dollars"! This insurance has made the city of Xihong set off a sports boom, running, climbing stairs... no one will eat junk food. Recently, a young apartment located on the west side of the ancient city park also claimed that “weight loss = reduction of rent”, many onlookers said that this wave is really fast. (August 11 "Beijing Youth Daily")

According to the report, the organizer of this “weight loss to rent” event is a youth apartment located on the west side of Beijing Gucheng Park. The specific operation of the activity is from August 1, 2018, to October 31, 2018, and the households whose weight has been successfully reduced by 10 kg in three months, the rent for the next payment cycle is directly reduced by 600 yuan.

Once launched, the event not only attracted many residents to sign up, but also attracted criticisms such as “following hot spots and propaganda”. To this end, the manager of the youth apartment said that this activity is really not a follow-up film bridge, but to learn from foreign practices. As for the propaganda, it is even more difficult to talk about, because the apartment is in full condition and it is not rented at all.

In the author's view, even if this manager does not clarify, or even if this activity is suspicious of follow-up and even speculation, such "slimming against rent" is also a fragrance. Why do you say that? First of all, this activity is in line with China's national fitness activities. This kind of incentive is to contribute. Especially in the current sub-health caused by obesity is rapidly eroding the social map, it is undoubted that obese people lose weight or not, it will be related to people's health index and happiness index. From this point of view, "slimming against rent" is to send health and happiness to the residents. Although the benefits and length of this activity are limited, who can deny that such a star has more fires and will not benefit the whole society?

Secondly, it must be seen that if a person really wants to achieve the purpose of renting a house, it is not difficult to lose 10 pounds in three months. At the same time, this activity does not have any additional conditions for the residents, it is purely a cake. This will inevitably make the residents do not have a little pressure - if the weight loss reaches the standard, the natural rent will not hurt the standard, and even bring some fun, why not? For the merchants, it is good for the residents, and at the same time, it also “increased the adhesion of the residents and the apartments”, which is a good deal.

The activity launched by the youth apartment, regardless of the trend, speculation or not, is a fragrance. This fragrance stimulates people to index health and happiness, and even more to send cakes to residents. Therefore, such positive energy measures should be more good.