Shiji subway next to fs foot can be bh. fj

Venue: Jiaxiang Hotel
Address: next to Shiji Subway
Consumption: 218
On October 6th, I came back from my hometown. At 7 o'clock in the evening, I drove with my friend to Shiji to find seafood. I was tired when I was on a long-distance bus. Then I went to wash my feet and saw this big foot on the roadside. The minister was very enthusiastic and always recommended us to push the oil. We went to five, and we didn’t feel too embarrassed to wash our feet. Then the minister came over and lobbied to push the oil. Looking at the friends was a bit interesting.

I called five, single room, the first young. Wave, I said to change a big milk, followed by a big wave of young women, ~~~, I will get up and down when I come in, then start the work, the technician just started to massage, after half a clock, the whole body pushes the oil, while pushing the bottom to blow the hot air, cool Dead, and finally BH came out. Later, she asked me if I wanted to go out and find a woman. She helped her to warm her friend and took the number.