HZZ injecting technician sharing

Venue: Haizhizhou
Address: Nanzhou Garden
Consumption: 399

I have always been a forum diver who saw a post that has always said that 318 waves are so large that I didn't hold back and tried it. It was only after I found out that this was not the technician of the height 155 wave E described in the forum. Everyone remembered the 318 substitution. In the heart that I don't want to change more, I will go to the clock, but don't say that this value is at least 85 points. I only know that it was 92 years old and it is particularly high at least 172.

I took off my coat and found his wave. Not small C. But the point is coming, I am playing 399 to blow 2 times, so the first time I finished the rest of the service and then the second time. There was no way for the second time that it was really difficult to blow for a long time. Finally, he didn't want to blow it and sat down directly. If you want to shoot in the air, you can try your luck. She just came to see if his BB is still very pink.